Ljubljana Summer School Take the Best from East and West 8 – 24 July 2024
30.01.2024Comments are closed.
We are pleased to inform you that registration for the Ljubljana Summer School, which will take place from 8 to 24 July 2024, is now open! The programme is aimed at Bachelor’s and Master’s students as well as university graduates and young professionals who want to acquire new knowledge in specific areas. We look forward to welcoming participants from partner and non-partner institutions worldwide as well as participants from the University of Ljubljana.
We are proud to partner with course leaders from different countries who will offer 17 courses at Bachelor and Master levels. For the complete course list with detailed information and schedule, visit Courses & Schedule >>
Participants can register for one or two courses and receive a Certificate of Attendance and a Transcript of Records. Tuition is discounted for University of Ljubljana students. Information for University of Ljubljana students >>
Application deadline is 3 June 2024.
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